Lawyers Entering the Art World!
Following the recent refurbishment of Clarkes Shrewsbury offices, the lawyers in situ decided the walls looks rather bare. Rather than your average A4 pictures in snap frames, they decided to go one better and approached the Bear Steps gallery to see if any local artist might like to exhibit artworks on the walls of this beautiful Mid 17th Century office at Kingston house St Alkmunds Square in the heart of Shrewsbury.
Enter Ffeisty Felters and their installation “Structure” which is a collection of varied artworks, landscapes and hangings which have certainly added to overall look of the offices and are already attracting admiring glances and requests for sale prices from clients.
We are already in talks with other local artists to exhibit throughout 2017 so do come along and take a stroll through the offices and appreciate what is on offer.
“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.”
― Leonardo da Vinci